Shit That I Don’t Understand

It’s pretty damn crazy that I’ve gone years seeing all kinds of weird shit and yet have never said anything about them and nobody I’ve met has said anything about them either. Here is the big list of shits that I don’t understand somehow. I bet I’m not the only one.


One of the damn reasons why tattoos suck is that it hurts. It’s also painful and expensive to remove. 90% of them are cheesy and ugly, especially those with colors. I agree with Joe Rogan most of the times but not when it comes to tattooing. I find him very upsetting and intimidating when he has no shirt and his tats are showing; he looks like a bully. Well, he’s already a bully anyhow.

The Deal with Selfies

This one is a little bit personal. You see, every damn person that I’ve seen taking a selfies has some sort of a large group friends that they party with pretty much every night. Which reminds of whatever shitty life I’ve chosen for myself. But what makes it so gosh-darned frustrating is due to their constant need to upload their shitty photos to Facebook every couple of minutes or so. Though irrational jealousy and self-loathing aside, selfies are just up-close photos of your face taken with an overpriced smartphone that I can’t afford. The other day I learned that the word “selfie” was added to the official Oxford Dictionary. What the fuck kind of world am I living in?

Taking Sports Too Damn Seriously

I once witnessed some guy get into a brawl with some other guy because that some other guy said that Real Madrid was better than Barcelona in terms of defenses or some shit. It’s laughable that somehow a completely harmless activity such as watching football has become the joke that it is now. Sports aren’t your lives people. Grow up.

Why There Exist Irregular Verbs

English is pretty damn logical until it takes one minute for a foreign to learn that there exist something called irregular verbs and they have to learn them by heart. Just why the fuck do those verbs exist anyhow? Especially if not only they serve no goddamn point at all in making English a better language, but also DOWNGRADE the convenient aspect of it. Why the fuck is the past tense of cut is cut or past tense of put is put? Couldn’t they just be cutted and putted respectively, like any other regular verbs and make the world more of a happy place?

Why People Are Obsessed Over Pulp Fiction

It’s just me, alright. I feel left out and it’s not funny. Everyone I’ve encountered, from die-hard film buffs to the Average Joe who only watches shits like Frozen worships Pulp Fiction. Some people have seen it like a Graham’s Number of times and know every single line. I watched it once and I just want to say, it’s mediocre at best. Though Roger Ebert gave it a 4/4, so I must be the uncultured swine here.

Why Most People Have A Fetish For Sushi

Sushi is cool. But not if you keep mentioning every god damn ten seconds while we’re sitting in a restaurant and the food is not out yet. While we’re at it, I’d add also pizza. And bacon. Delicious and overrated.

Why Someone Would Go Out When It’s Like 100 Degree (F and/or C) Outside

I feel like such a mentally stable human being after witnessing some of my friends who would go outside when the weather is hot; but unlike any normal “hot weather” days. Like, 100 degree hot. Those bunch of psychos go out and “enjoy” bathing in sweat while instead they could stay inside enjoying a good Netflix original in a perfectly air-conditioned room. God I’m a wimp.

Why Wait But Why Isn’t A Thing

There’s a site that more or less has a big influence on my writing style I’ve been obsessed with. It’s called Wait But Why. It’s literally the best thing that has ever happened to me and to everyone who has read, re-read and enjoyed the shit out of Tim Urban’s mind-blowing, funny-as-fuck articles on Artificial Intelligence and How Un-Cute Bugs Are. Worth a check.

Why Some People Can Pick Up A Programming Language In Like Two Days And Still Better Than Me Who Has Been Attemping To

Once in a while I feel like missing out when all of my friends know how to code and I don’t. Every single time I’d again go through the Hand-Holding Phase for like a week. During that week I’d feel edgy as fuck like one of those hackers movies portray after reading some code that I wrote, which is mostly like the most basic stuff any 12-year-old script kiddie could churn out. I’d curl into a ball realizing I’ll never be this guy, who wrote the whole god-damn RollerCoaster Tycoon game that I tried to play but it was too god-damn complicated, all by himself back in the 90s. In Assembly. The Codecademy/CodeSchool/LearnPythonTheHardWay tab is automatically closed, and the cycle repeats every few months.